Workout in 30 days

Ilm Pirayo
4 min readJun 25, 2023


Photo by Ryan Hoffman on Unsplash

Day 1
- Before Fajr Prayer: Optional light stretching or gentle movements.
- After Fajr Prayer: Perform the morning Sunnah prayers, recite morning supplications, and engage in Quran recitation.
- Post-Prayer Workout: Warm-up, strength training (bodyweight squats), cardiovascular exercise, core workout, cool down.
- Between Asr and Maghrib Prayers: Perform the afternoon Sunnah prayers, engage in Quran recitation, replenish fluids by drinking plenty of water, and take a short 20-minute nap.
- Evening: Spend quality time with family and parents. Engage in conversations, activities, or outings together.
- Before Sleep: Perform the Isha prayer, recite evening supplications, engage in Quran recitation, and ensure 7–8 hours of sleep.

Day 2:
- Before Fajr Prayer: Optional light stretching or gentle movements.
- After Fajr Prayer: Perform the morning Sunnah prayers, recite morning supplications, and engage in Quran recitation.
- Post-Prayer Workout: Warm-up, cardiovascular exercise (running/jogging), upper body strength training (push-ups), cool down.
- Between Asr and Maghrib Prayers: Perform the afternoon Sunnah prayers, engage in Quran recitation, replenish fluids by drinking plenty of water, and take a short 20-minute nap.
- Evening: Dedicate time to connect with your family and parents. Engage in meaningful conversations, share a meal together, or participate in an activity that everyone enjoys.
- Before Sleep: Perform the Isha prayer, recite evening supplications, engage in Quran recitation, and ensure 7–8 hours of sleep.

Day 3:
- Before Fajr Prayer: Optional light stretching or gentle movements.
- After Fajr Prayer: Perform the morning Sunnah prayers, recite morning supplications, and engage in Quran recitation.
- Rest Day: Focus on rest, recovery, engage in Quran recitation, replenish fluids by drinking plenty of water, and take a longer nap if needed.
- Evening: Allocate time for family and parents. Plan a special family gathering, engage in a group activity, or simply have a conversation and catch up with your loved ones.
- Before Sleep: Perform the Isha prayer, recite evening supplications, engage in Quran recitation, and ensure 7–8 hours of sleep.

Day 4:
- Before Fajr Prayer: Optional light stretching or gentle movements.
- After Fajr Prayer: Perform the morning Sunnah prayers, recite morning supplications, and engage in Quran recitation.
- Post-Prayer Workout: Warm-up, full-body workout (circuit training), cardiovascular exercise (HIIT), cool down.
- Between Asr and Maghrib Prayers: Perform the afternoon Sunnah prayers, engage in Quran recitation, replenish fluids by drinking plenty of water, and take a short 20-minute nap.
- Evening: Make time to connect with your family and parents. Engage in an activity that fosters togetherness, such as a family game night, movie night, or a shared meal where everyone contributes.
- Before Sleep: Perform the Isha prayer, recite evening supplications, engage in Quran recitation, and ensure 7–8 hours of sleep.

Week 2:

Day 5:
- Before Fajr Prayer: Optional light stretching or gentle movements.
- After Fajr Prayer: Perform the morning Sunnah prayers, recite morning supplications, and engage in Quran recitation.
- Post-Prayer Workout: Warm-up, strength training (dumbbell exercises), cardiovascular exercise, cool down.
- Between Asr and Maghrib Prayers: Perform the afternoon Sunnah prayers, engage in Quran recitation, replenish fluids by drinking plenty of water, and take a short 20-minute nap.
- Evening: Prioritize family and parents’ time. Engage in activities that strengthen bonds and create lasting memories, such as going for a family walk, sharing stories, or planning a family outing.
- Before Sleep: Perform the Isha prayer, recite evening supplications, engage in Quran recitation, and ensure 7–8 hours of sleep.

Day 6:
- Before Fajr Prayer: Optional light stretching or gentle movements.
- After Fajr Prayer: Perform the morning Sunnah prayers, recite morning supplications, and engage in Quran recitation.
- Post-Prayer Workout: Warm-up, cardiovascular exercise (cycling/elliptical), core workout, cool down.
- Between Asr and Maghrib Prayers: Perform the afternoon Sunnah prayers, engage in Quran recitation, replenish fluids by drinking plenty of water, and take a short 20-minute nap.
- Evening: Dedicate time to your family and parents. Have a family meal together, engage in a family project or hobby, or simply enjoy each other’s company and share laughter.
- Before Sleep: Perform the Isha prayer, recite evening supplications, engage in Quran recitation, and ensure 7–8 hours of sleep.

Day 7:
- Before Fajr Prayer: Optional light stretching or gentle movements.
- After Fajr Prayer: Perform the morning Sunnah prayers, recite morning supplications, and engage in Quran recitation.
- Rest Day: Focus on rest, recovery, engage in Quran recitation, replenish fluids by drinking plenty of water, and take a longer nap if needed.
- Evening: Allocate quality time for family and parents. Engage in activities that promote bonding and strengthen relationships, such as storytelling, playing board games, or discussing Islamic values and teachings.
- Before Sleep: Perform the Isha prayer, recite evening supplications, engage in Quran recitation, and ensure 7–8 hours of sleep.

Week 3: Repeat the week 1

Week 4: Repeat the weak 2.

Remember, family time and maintaining strong relationships with parents are vital in Islam. Prioritize spending quality time with your loved ones, engage in activities that promote unity and love, and create a nurturing and harmonious family environment.

Note: This article is generated with the help of ChatGPT :)

