British English in 30 days — July 2023

Ilm Pirayo
2 min readJun 25, 2023


Photo by Ving N on Unsplash

Week 1: Vocabulary Building and Listening Skills

- Days 1–3: Start with a British English vocabulary resource or app. Learn 15 new words or phrases each day and practice using them in sentences. Focus on common everyday vocabulary.
- Days 4–7: Dedicate time each day to listening to British English audio content. Listen to podcasts, watch British TV shows or movies, and pay attention to the pronunciation, intonation, and expressions.

Week 2: Grammar and Reading Comprehension

- Days 8–10: Study British English grammar rules. Use a grammar book or online resource that specifically focuses on British English grammar. Review tenses, sentence structure, and word order.
- Days 11–14: Read British English books, newspapers, or articles. Aim to read at least one article or a few pages of a book each day. Take note of new vocabulary and sentence structures.

Week 3: Speaking Practice and Pronunciation

- Days 15–17: Find opportunities to practice speaking with native speakers if possible. Join language exchange groups or online communities to engage in conversations with other learners or native speakers.
- Days 18–21: Focus on improving your pronunciation. Practice individual sounds, stress patterns, and intonation specific to British English. Use pronunciation resources or language learning apps that provide audio samples.

Week 4: Writing Skills and Review

- Days 22–24: Write daily journal entries or short essays in British English. Practice expressing your thoughts and ideas in writing. Seek feedback from native speakers or language tutors to improve your writing skills.
- Days 25–27: Review your progress by taking online quizzes or language proficiency tests. Identify areas that need improvement and revise your study plan accordingly.
- Days 28–30: Consolidate your learning by revisiting any weak areas, practicing speaking and writing, and reinforcing vocabulary and grammar concepts.

Throughout the Month:

Use online language learning platforms and apps such as Duolingo, Babbel, or Rosetta Stone, which offer British English courses.
Engage in language exchange sessions or find language partners who can provide conversation practice.
Seek out online resources and tutorials specifically designed for British English learners.
Stay motivated and track your progress by setting weekly goals and celebrating your achievements.

Consistency and dedication are key to making progress in your language learning journey. Best of luck!

Note: This article is generated with the help of ChatGPT 😊

